Welcome from the Director

Welcome to Deeply Rooted Academy!

I’m Sara Peterson, Founder and Director of Deeply Rooted Academy, thank you for taking the time to check out our program!

As a proud third-generation Tucsonan, I’ve always been drawn to leadership and visionary pursuits. My lifelong passion for working with children led me through various roles, from after-school care and nanny to a children’s church teacher. When I embarked on the journey of homeschooling my own kids, my dedication to their education took on new dimensions.

My homeschooling journey began when my second child entered Kindergarten, revealing a misalignment with the public school system’s ability to meet their needs. Faced with the special needs diagnoses of three of my children, I sought an educational approach tailored to their unique abilities rather than conforming to predetermined standards.

Returning to Tucson from Phoenix, I recognized the need for a tight-knit community of homeschooling families who shared my vision. This realization inspired the founding of Deeply Rooted cooperative, bringing together ten families who trusted in the vision of a supportive educational environment. After a successful year, I set my sights on expanding this vision into a hybrid academy, where parents and quality teachers collaborate to provide rich learning opportunities rooted in the beauty of the Creator. God has provided an amazing team of teachers and students and I am so blessed to be their leader.

Currently residing on a small homestead in Vail, AZ, with my husband Chris and our four children, we find joy in travel, cooking, reading, creating, and actively serving our community.

Please reach out to me anytime, I am honored God chose me to minister to the Tucson homeschool community.

Vision Statement

As a leader in our Charlotte Mason school community, my vision is both personal and deeply rooted in faith. I envision our academy as a grace-filled atmosphere where families and mentors, guided by the Holy Spirit, collaborate to cultivate the holistic development of every child. Inspired by Charlotte Mason’s timeless wisdom, we embark on an educational journey that celebrates truth, beauty, and goodness. Through our hybrid approach, we aim to provide students with the opportunity to learn with their peers under the guidance of trained, compassionate mentors in a safe environment while providing ample time at home with their families to explore their passions. Together, we are shaping future generations of courageous, compassionate, and confident leaders who will make a positive difference in their communities and beyond.