
Charlotte Mason Approach

"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life."

Our educational philosophy is rooted in the teachings of British educator Charlotte Mason. Embracing the core belief that “children are born persons,” Mason emphasized the intrinsic value and God-given worth of each child. Central to her philosophy is the idea that education encompasses an atmosphere, discipline, and life. 

We aim to create a nurturing atmosphere akin to a home, fostering a safe space for children to play, create, and explore creation. Mason underscored the importance of cultivating habits like attention, excellence, and observation from an early age, viewing education as the discipline of these habits. 

Lastly, she envisioned education as a “life” sustained and enriched by ideas, highlighting the significance of nourishing young minds with a diverse range of thought-provoking concepts we like to call “the feast”.

Discover the Beauty of a Living Education

Deeply Rooted Academy has partnered with the Charlotte Mason Institute and is proud to be able to provide The Alveary curriculum to our students. This unique program is a complete and comprehensive program allowing parents and teachers to tailor a unique program to the needs of their student while nurturing a love for lifelong learning.

Every child is valued, every voice is heard

 “Take heed that ye offend not, despise not, hinder not, one of these little ones.” 

(Charlotte Mason in Home Education, p. 12)

Hands on nature experiences

“Because far and near, large and small, are ideas he has yet to grasp. The child has truly a great deal to do before he is in a condition to ‘believe his own eyes’; but Nature teaches so gently, so gradually, so persistently, that he is never overdone, but goes on gathering little stores of knowledge about whatever comes before him.”

(Vol. 1, p. 67)

Nurturing a love of learning through living ideas

“What they want is to be brought into touch with living thoughts of the best, and their intellectual life feeds upon it with little meddling on our part.”

(Vol. 3, p. 123)


Our kindergarten classes will embrace a play-based model, incorporating short yet engaging lessons in language arts, math, nature study, and the exploration of great literature. Our kindergarten days will strike a balance by integrating ample time for free play and hands-on exploration, fostering a holistic and joyful learning experience for our young learners.


Students in all grade levels will participate in our community Gather, where we do scripture recitations, sing Folk songs and Hymns, do picture study and learn about composers.

In addition to subjects listed above, students in 1st grade will be presented a feast of ideas about:

Native Americans, nature lore, art instruction, music appreciation and games, fairy and tall tales, bible stories, geography and handicrafts such as paper folding and sewing

2nd and 3rd graders will learn about:

Literature, bible (missionary biographies), Geography, US History, Art instruction, Nature Lore, playground games, and handicrafts.

Students grades 4-6 will study, Art, English, Citizenship, Geography, World History and US History, Literature, Music and Nature Lore.

Elective classes

Each term students have the option to participate with other students of all ages in: Drama, Gardening, Paper Sloyd, Handicrafts, Chess and Life Skills


Students in all grade levels will participate in our community Gather, where we perform scripture recitations, sing Folk songs and Hymns, do picture study and learn about composers.

Grades 7-8 will study Church History, Spiritual Formation, Grammar and Composition, Natural and World History, Ethics, Art, Literature, Shakespeare and Plutarch

Elective classes

Each term students have the option to participate with other students of all ages in: Drama, Gardening, Paper Sloyd, Handicrafts, Chess and Life Skills.


Our High School group classes will cover church history and bible history, ethics, art instruction, biology, world history, writing instruction, Plutarch and  an elective. A more detailed schedule and 4 year vision will be available during parent interviews. 

Girl doing school work

Contact us today to schedule a visit.

We encourage all interested families to schedule a visit to see Charlotte Mason trained instructors in in action. Call us today to learn more.